Russia's Great War and Revolution


Anthony Heywood, David McDonald, John Steinberg

"Our goal is to mark the centenary of the 1917 Russian revolution by producing a comprehensive scholarly reappraisal of Russia’s world-changing experience of war and revolution between 1914 and the early 1920s. We are developing a worldwide community of over 200 scholars collaborating in this project, to maximize the use of archival resources for new research and to synthesize historical research with work in allied disciplines like war and cultural studies. Six core organizational themes define our project: military affairs, the "arc of revolution" (countries surrounding the Russian Empire as of 1914), international affairs, the home front, empire, and culture. We expect to produce several edited books covering each of these themes. In each case we will highlight the experience of 1914–17 and attempt to assess the impact on Russia’s subsequent development up to the early 1920s. The main audiences for these books will be professional historians and students. We aim to publish these works, both in English and Russian. This website ( is aimed at non-scholarly audiences."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center at the University of Kansas: Lawrence, USA <>




United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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