European Society for History of Political Thought


European Society for the History of Political Thought

"Political Thought is undoubtedly one of the most peculiar ‘productions’ generated by European culture - perhaps the most ‘European’ of all. The historical study of this great heritage - its contents, values and teaching, both as elaboration from, and inspiration for our political institutions - constitutes one of the great challenges for the development of European culture in the 21st century. History of Political Thought has established itself as an important academic discipline in Italy and has been cultivated in most European countries, though sometimes in a national perspective, or as part of other subjects, such as Political Science or Modern and Contemporary History. A European Society for the History of Political Thought could provide a great incentive to its further development as an autonomous academic discipline, particularly in Eastern European countries. The fundamental aim of this Society, however, should be that of providing a European perspective for the History of Political Thought and a historical approach to the study of this fundamental cultural deposit, whose knowledge cannot be avoided by any ‘decently European’ proposal for the political future of our continent. For these reasons the project of setting up a European Society for the History of Political Thought was promptly and generously supported by Yves Meny, The President of the European University Institute in Florence, and has taken shape in discussions among a small group of scholars from all parts of the continent."
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Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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