bundism.net - a network devoted to research on the Jewish Labor Bund


Denz, Rebekka: Braunschweig, DE / Slucki, David: Melbourne, AUS / Wolff, Frank: Bielefeld, DE

"The history of the General Jewish Labor Bund, once the avantgarde of the Jewish workers' movement, can be understood as an integral part of East European history and labour history, but also as the history of a transnational movement. The last major international meeting of researchers on the Bund took place in 1997 in Poland. The exchange of ideas initiated by the conference participants cannot be considered closed. There is currently no forum or space for intellectual exchange between researchers, and in many cases, scholars in the field remain isolated. bundism.net seeks to connect scholars throughout the world who are interested in exploring the history and ideas of the Jewish Labor Bund. We are committed to supporting a multiplicity of approaches and backgrounds. Ultimately, we wish to create a transnational community where people can share their resources, wisdom and insight in order to enliven and enrich research into an important chapter in modern Jewish history."




Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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