19th Century American Literary, Historical, and Cultural Studies

Enthalten in
Web Projects of the American Studies program at Washington State University <http://www.wsu.edu/~amerstu/projects.html>

Reed, T.V.

This site is designed to bring together at one place the best materials available on the Web for studying and teaching about 19th century American literature, history and culture. Our aim is to make the site useful to teachers, scholars and students at all levels of education. [...] Currently, the site is organized into the following categories: Historical Periods & Topics" (general interest and topical sites arranged chronologically); "Historical Figures" (primarily political, but including some social and cultural figures); "Authors & Texts" (several dozen major and minor writers, and access to hundreds of texts); "Historical Documents" (arranged chronologically); "Maps and Visual Culture" (access hundreds of maps, photographs, cartoons, and other pieces of visual culture). [...]".
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Technische Bereitstellung

Washington State University: Pullman, US (WA) <http://www.wsu.edu/>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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