Thomas A. Edison Papers


Rosenberg, Robert A. / Jeffrey, Thomas E.

The original goal of the project was to organize and publish a select edition of the papers of Thomas Alva Edison in two forms-a six-part microfilm publication and a book edition of fifteen to twenty volumes. To date we have published 227 reels (four parts) of microfilm, comprising one-third of a million pages and covering Edison's life from 1847 to 1910; four volumes that detail the first 32 years of Edison's life; and a six-reel collection of film and equipment catalogs from the earliest years of motion pictures. For the present this site will make available a searchable document database linked to document images for Parts I-III (1847-1898) and some of the editorial materials from the image and text publications, with continual additions. In its final form the full digital edition will include the text of the print volumes.
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Rutgers University: New Brunswick, US (NJ) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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