Takuya Momma (PhD)

Postdoctoral researcher

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Postdoctoral researcher at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

"Memory Politics and Victimhood Nationalism in the Socialist Yugoslavia"
"Comparative Research on Axis Imperialism in the Second World War: Toward the Construction of a Field of Study in Global Fascism"


Monographien (und Dissertation)

Dissertation "Intellectuals and the Ustasha Movement: Taming Nationalism under the Regime in the Independent State of Croatia"

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

"Educational Policy as Propaganda for Youth in the Independent State of Croatia" in Žarko Lazarević, Nobuhiro Shiba, Kenta Suzuki, eds., The 20th Century Through Historiographies and Textbooks: Chapters from Japan, East Asia, Slovenia and Southeast Europe, Ljubljana : Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2018.

Forschungsinteressen und Arbeitsgebiete

Global Fascism movement